Books · Equestrian Fiction

Out Now: The Hidden Horses of New York

It’s a book birthday! The Hidden Horses of New York is now available from your favorite bookstore! If you haven’t read the first thousand words of The Hidden Horses of New York,  you can do that here, or just hit preview at Amazon. The book explores the equine communities of New York City, including carriage horses, mounted patrol… Continue reading Out Now: The Hidden Horses of New York

Equestrian Authors

5 Questions with Equestrian Author Dawn LeFevre

It’s time for another five questions! I’m so excited to welcome Dawn LeFevre to my site. Dawn has just published a new equestrian fiction novel, Backstretch Girls. And with her racing creds, I think everyone should know about it! Let’s dig in. Dawn, thanks so much for joining me at my blog! You’ve just published a… Continue reading 5 Questions with Equestrian Author Dawn LeFevre


Preview 2: The Hidden Horses of New York

Did you read the first thousand words? Ready for another sneak peak? Here is the second thousand words from my new novel The Hidden Horses of New York, available in pre-sale from Amazon! Order it now to receive an automatic download on November 26, and add it on GoodReads here. Read the first thousand words here if… Continue reading Preview 2: The Hidden Horses of New York


Perfect Horse-Lover’s Gifts: Autographed Books with Free Shipping!

It’s mid-November, time to start thinking about holiday gifts! If you’re shopping for a horse-lover this holiday season, a horse book is the perfect gift. Riding instructors, barn managers, grooms, your barn BFF, that hard-working student who eats, breathes, and sleeps horses: I’ve got the perfect book for all of them. For the rest of… Continue reading Perfect Horse-Lover’s Gifts: Autographed Books with Free Shipping!


First Read: The Hidden Horses of New York

Have you heard the news? My newest equestrian novel, The Hidden Horses of New York, is now available for pre-sale on Amazon! If you’re waiting for the paperback, you can order it along with the Kindle edition’s download date on November 26, 2019. I’m thrilled to share this story of friendship, the equestrian community, equine welfare and… Continue reading First Read: The Hidden Horses of New York

Equestrian Fiction

New Book Release: The Hidden Horses of New York

Friends, I’m so excited about today’s news! I’ve officially given The Hidden Horses of New York its publication date of November 26, 2019, and I just can’t wait to share it with you. This book means the world to me. Last year, I was brooding about my “millennial horse racing story” that I wanted to write. I… Continue reading New Book Release: The Hidden Horses of New York

Equestrian Authors · Writing Life

Ordering Signed Books from Natalie Keller Reinert

As the holiday season approaches, I frequently get requests for signed books. Makes sense! Signed books make amazing Christmas presents. My unique equestrian fiction novels in particular are perfect for riding instructors, barn owners and farm managers, trainers and coaches, horse show moms and basically anyone else who loves horses. Or books. You get the… Continue reading Ordering Signed Books from Natalie Keller Reinert

Equestrian Life · Everyday

Riding Life: Ben and the Tortoise

I haven’t written about my riding in a hot minute, and since that’s where my blogging (and fiction) days began, I thought: today’s ride definitely deserves a blog post. You see, everything looked so promising. Everything started out so well. And then, Florida happened. THE TALE OF THE TORTOISE AND THE BEN At my old farm out… Continue reading Riding Life: Ben and the Tortoise